Gary, Indiana’s hardcore scene has grown significantly over the past year, thanks to dedicated promoters, no shortage of venues and audiences, and especially kick-ass INHC bands. One such band that comes from the city is No Victory. If you live anywhere near the Midwest (or frequent the internet), there’s a high chance you have heard of them, good or bad.
No Victory’s music cannot be described any better as plain ol’ ignorant beatdown hardcore. MWHC has made it obvious where they stand with similar bands like Michigan’s Detain and Chicago’s Bodybag. Youth crew is not exactly our niche, Heavy bands thrive here, and this band is no exception.
The first time I heard about the band was last summer, when there was a ton of hype around a short split set they played in Elgin, IL. As soon as I saw them play, I immediately saw why. In just 3-4 songs, it was obvious that they had a following, with (very) good reason. Since then, they have become a staple in the area. They came out with a full-length on Unbeaten Records titled Time To Die (included in my top albums of 2016 here) in August of last year, played countless shows since, and played a badass set last weekend at Midwest Blood Fest 2017. It’s been exciting to watch No Victory’s fanbase grow, and they definitely deserve the hype.
If you’re looking for a band that doesn’t pretend to be meaningful, doesn’t pretend to be PC, and (most importantly) accomplishes the first two without seeming like edgy try-hards, give No Victory a listen below. You won’t regret it.
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