@ The D in Gary, IN - 5pm - $10 - all ages
Deaf Ear - ?
Dirt - ?
Forced Impact (WI) - https://forcedimpactxxx.bandcamp.com
Source of Hate (WI) - https://sourceofhate.bandcamp.com
Left Behind (WV) - https://leftbehind304.bandcamp.com
@ Royal Skate Shop in Lansing, IL - 6pm - $8
Dive Bomb (OH) - https://divebombhc.bandcamp.com/
Short Leash (MI) - https://shortleashhc.bandcamp.com/
Great Minds (TN) - https://greatmindshc.bandcamp.com/
Lonely Bones (CO) - https://lonelyboneshc.bandcamp.com/
Taj Torrence (OH hip hop) - https://tajmusic.bandcamp.com/
Fuckboys (IL rap) - https://fuckboys.bandcamp.com/
Prince Crowe (IL rap) - https://twitter.com/princecrowe_
STAB (IL emo, SoundCloud rap) - https://stabthekid.bandcamp.com/
Gnarly Jargon (IL hip hop) - https://www.facebook.com/GnarlyJargon1/
@ Shorty’s Hall in Milwaukee, WI - 1st day: 5pm, 2nd and 3rd days: 2pm - $10 per day - 18+
@ Downstairs in Chicago, IL - 6:30pm - $10 - 17+
Mercy Blow (PA) - http://mercyblowhc.bandcamp.com/
Bodybag (IL) - https://bodybagchicago.bandcamp.com/
Misgiver (NY) - http://misgiverhc.bandcamp.com/
Vicious Embrace (DE) - https://viciousembrace.bandcamp.com/
Burdened (IL) - https://burdened.bandcamp.com/
@ Club Timbuktu in Milwaukee, WI - 6:30pm - $10 - all ages
Spine (MO/IL) - https://spinehc.bandcamp.com/
Stone (WI) - https://stonehardcore.bandcamp.com/
No Victory (IN) - https://novictoryhc.bandcamp.com/
Falter (WI) - https://falterhc.bandcamp.com/
Source of Hate (WI) - https://sourceofhate.bandcamp.com/
@ Like Minded HQ in Parker City, IN - 1st day: 5pm, 2nd day: 1pm - $12 a day, $15 for 2-day pass, $5 for pre-show
@ Cobra Lounge in Chicago, IL - doors 6pm - music 7pm - $15 - 17+
The Eddie Leeway Show (NY) - https://www.facebook.com/theeddieleewayshow/
Brick By Brick (NY) - https://brickbybrickmixtape.bandcamp.com/
Drowning (IL) - https://drowningchicago.bandcamp.com/
End of Flesh (CA) - https://endoffleshsd.bandcamp.com/
I AM (TX) - https://iamtxmusic.bandcamp.com/
The Truth (IN) - https://thetruthinhc.bandcamp.com/
Throughnthrough (IL) - https://throughnthrough.bandcamp.com/
@ Cobra Lounge in Chicago, IL - doors 6:30pm - music 7pm - $12 in advance, $15 at the door - 17+
Purgatory (US) - https://purgatoryhc.bandcamp.com/
Easy Money (AZ) - https://easymoneyhc.bandcamp.com/
Rooks (IL) - https://rooksofficial.bandcamp.com/
Kharma (IL) - https://kharmamwhc.bandcamp.com/
Lethal Contact (NWI) - no pages yet
Desolated (UK) - https://desolateduk.bandcamp.com/
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