By now, you should be familiar with the lineup of Louisville, Kentucky’s LDB Fest. This was announced on Friday, as the majority of the region’s dwellers held their breath and repeatedly hit refresh on the event page. This is selling out fast, so, if you don’t have your tickets, move fast - don’t rely on people selling theirs in a few months! This is an awesomely diverse lineup, featuring bands from all over, from bigger bands that garner more hype (the headliners + World of Pain), to regional favorites (Blood In Blood Out, Kharma), to a ton of super talented smaller bands that you should be keeping an eye out for.
Not only is the fest great, but the preshow alone is straight-up mind-blowing. This fest’s growth over the past 5 years has been incredible. Alex and Ryan do a wonderful job of organizing and putting it on every year, so make sure you thank them.
I have compiled a list of links, as well as a playlist of my favorites, so that you can familiarize yourself with each band before the fest! Click on any band’s name to be transported to their Bandcamp, or scroll to the bottom for the playlist.
Spine (IL), Nine Eyes (KY), Upright (OK), By Force (OH), Vicious Embrace (DE), Inclination (KY - shoutout here), Lethal Contact (IN - shoutout here), NESH (KY)
Spine (IL), World of Pain (CA), Breaking Wheel (MI), Miracle Drug (KY), Purgatory (US), Invoke (NC), Shame (OK), Heavens Die (VA), Kharma (IL), Dwell (VA), Wicked Garden (KY), Bonehead (OH), Bruise (IN), Decline (IL), Devils Den (MO), Transgression (KY)
Knocked Loose (KY), Harm's Way (IL), God’s Hate (CA), Detain (MI), Piece of Mind (OK), No Victory (IN), Rhythm of Fear (FL), Kept in Line (TX), Year of the Knife (DE), Division of Mind (VA), Revenge Season (GA), Creeping Death (TX), Death Rate (MI), DMP (NY), WolfxPiss (KY), Contrast, Constraint (KY)
Just in case you don't have time to click on all those links, here is a playlist of some of my favorites on the lineup (that are on Spotify). This may be updated as I become familiar with the other bands!
*11/9/17 - This post was edited to reflect the reveal of the secret band, Harm's Way, as well as Blood In Blood Out dropping and No Victory jumping on.
*2/4/18 - This post was edited to reflect Iron Born, Bent Life, and Stone being removedbecause men are garbage, and Spine being added as a headliner. New flyer will be added later.
*11/9/17 - This post was edited to reflect the reveal of the secret band, Harm's Way, as well as Blood In Blood Out dropping and No Victory jumping on.
*2/4/18 - This post was edited to reflect Iron Born, Bent Life, and Stone being removed
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